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Coaching Knock Your Socks Off Service Ron Zemke, Kristin Anderson
Top performers in sports and the performing arts never outgrow their need for coaching, say authors Ron Zemke and Kristin Anderson, so why should your front-line employees be any different? On the contrary, they insist, workers also need ongoing encouragement and assistance in order to upgrade their customer-service skills, maintain their daily motivation, and enhance their ability to react when new problems arise. Coaching Knock Your Socks Off Service, the latest entry in a popular series, offersa series of solid suggestions for achieving first-rate customer service in any business environment through sustained coaching by management and employees themselves....
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Sri Lanka Business & Investment Opportunities Yearbook International Business Publications USA
Major investment, export-import and other strategic business opportunities and contacts, basic information for conducting business in the country...
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The Global Money Markets Frank J. Fabozzi, Steven V. Mann, Moorad Choudhry
The Global Money Markets is the ultimate and most comprehensive guide to the world?s money markets and the products that make up this vital element of the global economy. Written in a clear, accessible style, and including the most up-to-date information, this book is a great resource for all finance professionals, including market traders, salespeople, and corporate treasurers. For the first time, this book brings together the complete range of products used in markets around the world. Through extensive use of real-world examples, case studies, and Bloomberg screens, every aspect of the market is described and analyzed in detail. The instruments covered include: Traditional debt instruments such as bills, CDs, and bankers acceptances Corporate debt products, including commercial paper and medium-term notes The new range of securitized products, including short-term asset-backed securities and mortgage-backed securities ......
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The Process of Business/Environmental Collaborations: Partnering for Sustainability Alissa J. Stern, Tim Hicks
Confrontation may be one way of settling environmental disputes but is there a better way? Stern and Hicks say yes, and give executives the practical skills they need to work with environmentalists in mutually beneficial collaborations. And environmentalists get a demonstrably effective new way of working with corporations. Stern and Hicks draw from their own knowledge and others' in their field, to create a well written, easily accessed book, well illustrated with case studies--one that will be welcomedby corporate and environmental leaders alike....
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Imagining the Nation in Nature: Landscape Preservation and German Identity, 1885-1945 Thomas M. Lekan
One of the most powerful nationalist ideas in modern Europe is the assertion that there is a link between people and their landscape. Focusing on the heart of German romanticism, the Rhineland, Thomas Lekan examines nature protection activities from Wilhelmine Germany through the end of the Nazi era to illuminate the relationship between environmental reform and the cultural construction of national identity. In the late nineteenth century, anxieties about national character infused ecological concerns about industrialization, spurring landscape preservationists to protect the natural environment. In the Rhineland's scenic rivers, forests, and natural landmarks, they saw Germany as a timeless and organic nation rather than a recently patchworked political construct. Landscape preservation also served conservative social ends during a period of rapid modernization, as outdoor pursuits were promoted to redirect class-conscious factory workers and unruly youth from "crass......
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На главную
Coaching Knock Your Socks Off Service. Ron Zemke, Kristin Anderson . Книги.
Хабаровск, Стерлитамак, Елец, Уссурийск, Владивосток, Копейск, Орёл, Новосибирск, Стерлитамак, Хасавюрт, Курган, Таганрог, Киселёвск, Глазов, Кемерово, Люберцы, Тюмень, Санкт-Петербург, Чита,
Индийские приключения| Индийские триллеры| Бухгалтерский учет на компьютере| Экранизации современной прозы| Любовный роман| Логистика. Транспорт. Склад| Мама и малыш| Бухучет отдельных операций| Мелодрамы| Биографические фильмы| Музыкальные инструменты|
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